Press Release – December 2nd is celebrated worldwide as “International Day Against Slavery”

Press Release – December 2nd is celebrated worldwide as “International Day Against Slavery”

December 2 is celebrated all over the world as the “International Day against Slavery”. On that day in 1949, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention for the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and Sexual Exploitation. The “white slavery” of the 21st century, human trafficking or exploitation, exists in almost every country. Sexual and labor exploitation, worst forms of child labor, forced marriage, sale of brides, forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflicts, involvement in begging, sale of organ tissues, etc. millions of women, men and children are trafficked every year.

Armenia is not spared from this phenomenon either, and every year more than a dozen citizens of our country become victims of trafficking both abroad and in Armenia.

According to the statistics of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, during the 11 months of 2023, 25 persons were recognized as victims of trafficking or exploitation/victims of a special category. 12 of them are male, 13 are female, 7 were sexually exploited, and 18 were subjected to labor exploitation. 9 of the identified victims are victims of a special category (3 with mental health problems, 6 children who were subjected to both sexual and labor exploitation). All are RA citizens.


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