Category Archive News

Press Conference on the eve of International Day against Trafficking in Persons

On July 28, 2017, a press conference was held at Henaran Press Club dedicated to the proclamation of Anti-Trafficking World Day by the decision of the UN General Assembly (July 30). Vahram Kazhoyan  (Head of Anti-trafficking Working Group, head of International Organizations Department of RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Eleonora Virapyan (Representative of RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, President of Commission on Identification of Trafficking Victims and Exploitation), Read More


“Blue Heart” as a symbol of International Day against Trafficking in Persons

White slavery of 21st century-trafficking, exists nearly in every country. Millions of women, men, and children are exploited every year, deprived of their basic human rights: freedom, movement, voice….

Trafficking victims are subjected to sexual and labor exploitation, involved in begging and sale of organ. No one is secured of becoming a trafficking victim, as traffickers do not take into count on sex, age, religion, nationality or social status. Read More


Trafficking in Persons (TIP) 2017 Report

Human trafficking is one of the most tragic human rights issues of our time. It splinters families, distorts global markets, undermines the rule of law, and spurs other transnational criminal activity. It threatens public safety and national security. But worst of all, the crime robs human beings of their freedom and their dignity. US State Department annually publishes Trafficking in Persons report which is comprehensive resource about the measures for preventing and disclosing trafficking cases around the world. Read More


Charentsavan Youth on the Platform of Combating Human Trafficking

Fourth year constantly “ART Sight studio” together with the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of RA implements “Youth awareness campaign against human trafficking” project. The project seeks to reduce the risk of human trafficking and migration, educate youth on the themes of human rights with the help of trainings and an interactive computer game. The program implements in the youth capital of the current year of RA. This year’s training and game was held in Charentsavan (Youth Capital 2017).

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Charentsavan Youth on the platform of combating human trafficking

On May 13, “Art SIGHT” studio cooperating with the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs launched the “Anti-Trafficking Measures” program, which consists of 2 phases: training and competitive game.  

The training was held in Charentsavan (Youth Capital 2017 of RA). The aim of the meeting was to inform and educate youth on the themes of human trafficking, human rights, migration and history/culture of Charentsavan.

The meeting started with the mutual greeting, afterwards the organizers, experts and participants presented themselves. Read More


Preventing Trafficking by the help of women and girls

On April 21 and 22, the American University of Armenia (AUA) organized and hosted a conference on the empowerment of girls and women in Armenia. The two-day event brought together students, faculty, civil society representatives, successful female entrepreneurs, community leaders and members of the public and private sectors. Over 50 speakers from Armenia and around the world offered a holistic perspective on the status and role of girls and women in Armenian society, including in the military, workplace, healthcare society, and society at large. Read More


New initiative from “Hrant Dink” foundation: focus group gathering on Armenian and Turkish migrants’ legal issues

Various factors and approaches should be included in human trafficking coverage and awareness campaigns. The multilayered problem itself commands the need of various forms of behavior of the involved parties.  The adoption of incessantly updating working tools has a clear targeted explanation-prevent trafficking through raising awareness campaigns by predicating the features of actions of recruiters and traffickers. Read More


Gyumri Youth against trafficking

Third year constantly “ART Sight studio” together with the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Armenia implements “Youth awareness campaign against human trafficking” project, which seeks to reduce the risk  of trafficking and migration with the help of trainings and an interactive game.

The program is used to be carried out in the places, which has been declared “The Youth Capital”. Trainings and interactive games have already been held in Sisian and Stepanavan cities, and this year the project implemented in Gyumri (Youth Capital 2016). Read More


Awareness campaigns about trafficking issue in Gyumri

On 15th of October AAVR team organized a workshop for public and private sector professionals, who are involved in labor and employment spheres of Shirak and Lori provinces. The workshop was held in Gyumri city for employment agencies, labor security supervision, social support, legal departments, guardianship centers, employees and students.

The main purpose of the event was the presentation of protection and assistance’s mechanisms of the victims that are regulated by legislation. The workshop began with the questioning whether the participants ever met trafficking cases during their professional activities. Read More


OSCE Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings with Anti-Trafficking Working Group

Anti-trafficking working group had a meeting with the current president, special representative of OSCE, Madina Jarbusinova and co-workers. In the beginning of the meeting V. Kajoyan (The head of Anti-Trafficking working group in Armenia) greeted the guests and presented the features and achievements that were done in the last several years. Each member of the working group represented its function in combating human trafficking and its 0rganization’s current and future activities and its expected work against trafficking. Vahram Kajoyan added that thanks to the Anti-Trafficking Working-Group activities the yearly trafficking cases became lesser.

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